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Shadow of the Eternals dev halts failing Kickstarter campaign

Hello darkness my old friend.

Precursor Games has pulled its Kickstarter campaign for Shadow of the Eternals, the episodic spiritual successor to cult classic Eternal Darkness.

The project raised just $284,000 of its $1.5 million target with 13 days of its 38 day campaign remaining.

That figure was for the game's pilot chapter - the company had planned for 12 episodes in total.

In a message to the campaign's backers, Precursor boss Paul Caporicci gave his reasoning for the decision.

"Since we announced this Kickstarter campaign we have seen more support from our community than we had ever hoped for. Along with this support has come a host of a new exciting opportunities that will make the game better than we envisioned.

"As a result, we have chosen to temporarily take down the Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding campaigns on both Kickstarter and our own website on Thursday, June 6."

Caporicci went on to promise that the company would try again in the near future.

"This doesn't mean we are going away - far from it. We'll be re-launching the Kickstarter in just a few short weeks with a reveal of these exciting new developments."

All existing donations will now be refunded.

Precursor previously explained that Shadow of the Eternals was "unlikely" to ever see release if the developer's Kickstarter campaign failed.

After an initially succesful first day of funding via the developer's website, progress soon slowed despite its separate Kickstarter launch a week later.

Precursor has also had to struggle with backlash to Shadow of the Eternals' chief creative brain Denis Dyack, the creator of Eternal Darkness and controversial CEO of its now-defunct developer Silicon Knights.

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