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Shadow of the Eternals dev Precursor Games disbands

"Many of us will be taking a break."

Precursor Games, developer of unsuccessful Kickstarter candidate Shadow of the Eternals, has disbanded.

The studio had been made up of veterans from Eternal Darkness developer Silicon Knights, including that game's controversial director Denis Dyack.

Shadow of the Eternals was designed to be a spiritual successor to that game, but failed to generate enough interest to be funded through two crowd-funding attempts.

Precursor Games last month vowed it would soldier on despite the second failure and promptly found Shadow of the Eternals a place on Steam Greenlight. But, it seems, the end was still nigh.

"It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to put the Shadow of the Eternals project on hold," Dyack wrote in a message posted to the official Precursor Games forum. "We are very happy with what we have accomplished both as a group and with the community. The community has blown us away and was the one thing that kept us going through it all - we cannot thank you enough.

"Many of us will be taking a break. For those who are not aware, we all worked on this project as a labour of love and self financed 100 per cent of everything for a over a year to try to make Shadow of the Eternals a reality. Although we did not succeed on doing this, we succeeded in making many friends and starting something that we hope provided value for those involved.

"We have no regrets."

The company's forums will remain open so fans can still hang out and talk, all but work on the game has now ceased.

"Is the project dead? No, but we feel it needs a rest too," Dyack concluded. "We have all agreed as a group that when and if the time is right we will get together and start it up again. Keep your head high everyone and remember what we have accomplished together."

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