Rayman creator Michel Ancel has made a Super Mario Maker level
Beyond Goomba and evil.
Michel Ancel, creator of Rayman, has built a level for Super Mario Maker.

The famed French developer can be seen experimenting with Nintendo's upcoming Mario level creator in the video below.
He even uses graph paper! This guy knows his stuff.
Which is unsurprising, really - Ancel has had a hand in designing every major Rayman release, right up to the most recent Rayman Legends.
Super Mario Maker will launch with 60 levels included, built by Nintendo and others.
Ancel is currently working on PlayStation 4-exclusive animal adventure Wild at his new independent games studio - Wild Sheep, aided by some of his Ubisoft Montpellier colleagues.
Ancel is also still technically a Ubisoft employee, although the company has not commented on what he is currently working on.
The status of his long-awaited Beyond Good and Evil sequel is also currently unknown. It has been in and out of production countless times since the original game's launch back in 2003.