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PS3 "Home" rumoured

Harrison's GDC surprise guessed?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has refused to comment this morning on speculation that Phil Harrison will unveil PS3 "Home" in his GDC keynote speech.

The service is rumoured to let you create a Mii-like avatar that collects achievements from games in the form of items to populate a "Home". It's also apparently going to be a requirement for every PS3 game.

It's a convincing guess, as Sony has talked about social features and networks in the past, mentioning the "Home" button on the SIXAXIS controller and even talking about avatars, but it's nothing more than speculation at this point.

The rumour was sparked by comments from Sony, who told Eurogamer it has a big announcement planned for next week's Game Developer Conference in San Francisco, and Harrison's keynote speech would form the basis of it.

Of course, the simplest way to find out what Sony's got planned is to wait until 18:30, next Wednesday, when we'll be bringing you live text updates from San Francisco as big Phil takes to the stage to deilver his keynote address.

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