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Possible ZOE sequel top of Kojima's list

Gets "a lot of love calls" about it, apparently.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Hideo Kojima has said that he gets "a lot of love calls" about Zone of the Enders and really hopes he can make another one as well.

Speaking at gamescom in an interview finally whacked up by the European PlayStation blog, Kojima said that his studio had a long list of possible future projects, "and of course Zone of the Enders is one of the... on top of the list".

"We are really considering it," he added. Although Kojima spoke through a translator, there's a great bit in the video where first he hears the words "Zone of the Enders" in English and breaks into a huge grin.

Asked what he would do once he's finished with Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on PSP and overseeing Metal Gear Solid: Rising for PS3 and Xbox 360, Kojima said he wouldn't be able to wait that long to get going.

"It would be kind of too late if I start thinking about after I finish Peace Walker and Rising, I'll probably have to plan before," he explained.

"But I always want to do my next original title, and that's always on my mind. And as I said before, I could kind of produce some other titles such as Zone of the Enders, and I would like to plan that - doing the producer side and also creating my own original new title."

Elsewhere, Kojima discussed Peace Walker and his plans for co-op - specifically how close proximity between the two-to-four players involved allows them to swap items and even share health.

Interesting ideas, and the game appears to be full of them, as you can read in our glowing Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker hands-on from the Tokyo Game Show. We also interviewed Kojima at gamescom - in that very room, in fact - and you can read what he had to say to us elsewhere.

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