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No patch planned for SFII beta

Might as well stop whinging then.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Downloaded the Super Street Fighter II Turbo High Definition Remix beta? Having problems with freezes, like so many of those posting on the Capcom forum?

Well, tough luck. Capcom says it won't be issuing a patch for the beta - perhaps because it's, you know, a beta.

Responding to the forum complaints, marketing man Christian Svensson wrote, "We wil not be patching the beta. Resubmissions would cost a fortune and not go live for weeks."

Turns out Microsoft would have to approve every new submission, you see: "This isn't like the PC where a developer can make changes daily (for good or ill)."

Svensson concluded by assuring posters, "All feedback and bugs will be factored into the final code."

As reported yesterday, the SSFIITHDR beta is now available for download via Xbox Live. You must have purchased Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 to gain access.

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