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Prey for change

New maps, chars. 360 and PC.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Fresh from getting drunk and going on holiday, Human Head Studios is busily working on a 1.1 patch and some new content for Prey.

According to project-lead Chris Rhinehart, fans have been crying out for better duel maps, and as a result a new update for both PC and 360 will deliver four that are more suited to playercounts of between two and four.

That update will also introduce six new player characters - four girls (Jen, Elhuit, Mother and Becky) and a couple of Hunter characters (Hunter and Elite Hunter).

All that's on top of a round-up of bug-fixes in the shape of the 1.1 patch, which deals with a number of high-profile issues. While Human Head works on that, 360 developer Venom will be putting together a similar update for that version focused on addressing lag issues that affect Xbox Live multiplayer.

For more information on what the Prey teams are up to, including bug-fix specifics, check out the 3D Realms website.

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