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More Heavy Rain details emerge

PS3-exclusive from Fahrenheit dev.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Quantic Dream has opened up about its PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain.

According to a piece in Dutch magazine Chief (translated by Kotaku), the game will focus around four characters who have landed in extraordinary situations.

The main theme will be about a father's love for his son, which ties in with the "much more personal" approach studio boss David Cage is after.

You will also see and interpret the world through each character and their perceptions of what is right and wrong.

"I believe heavily in moral choices. I'm going to use them a lot," Cage promised. "They're not about being good or bad, but about finding the right balance."

Heavy Rain will be set in a city, but Cage is reluctant to make it free-roaming in a similar vein to something like Grand Theft Auto. The key is to control the story, apparently, although he wants "big sets" and heavily populated areas to play a part.

Visually it will be unique, we're told, and Cage expects we will be "surprised"; internal feedback from Sony is said to be "great".

There are no concrete details on gameplay, but he suggests Heavy Rain will expand upon the ideas used in previous project Fahrenheit.

Heavy Rain was shown originally at E3 2006 in a technical demo titled The Casting, which presented what was possible with virtual acting on the PS3.

David Cage said in interviews around the time that Heavy Rain would be a film noire-style thriller with mature themes, and no supernatural nonsense.

Dates of autumn 2008 were bandied around back then, but nothing has been heard since.

Sony was unavailable for comment at time of writing.

Fahrenheit was released in 2005 and earned hearty praise from Eurogamer for its involving storyline and forward-thinking. Kristan called it the most thoughtful piece of videogaming he had played in a long time.

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