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Free PS3/GT5 with Bravia 3D tellies

Plus: UK-wide GT5 competition underway.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony's great 3D push has kicked on today with the release of Gran Turismo 5 - the first stereoscopic 3D racing game on the market, apparently, presumably if you don't count WipEout HD, Ridge Racer 7, et al.

To celebrate, Sony's doing a deal: buy any Sony 3DTV and get - for free - a PS3, a copy of Gran Turismo 5, a 3D transmitter and two pairs of 3D glasses. That amounts to around £500 of freebies, we're told.

A Sony Bravia LX903 telly costs £4,499, according to Sony's website.

The deal starts today and ends on Sunday, 5th December.

Sony's also scouring the land for a Gran Turismo 5 champion. Bravia 3D tellies are being installed in HMV stores up and down the UK to host the competition. Pop into your local branch to post your best time and you could go through to the grand final at HMV HQ on Oxford Street, London, on 15th December.

Formula One presenter Jake Humphreys will host the event.

Sony has many more 3D-enabled games to come. Killzone 3 and MotorStorm Apocalypse in Q1 2011, and the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection at some time next year.

Gran Turismo 5 scored 9/10 on Eurogamer this morning - we went launch crazy with our coverage. You can find it all on the homepage, correlated into a nifty block at the top.

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