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Jailed motorist tells police he learned to drive on his PlayStation

Following 100mph car chase.

A motorist who lead police on a 100mph car chase through Lincolnshire has admitted that his only knowledge of driving came from his PlayStation.

Image credit: ITV.

Adam Jones, 24, caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to other vehicles parked in the town of Grantham.

He subsequently revealed that he was driving without a licence or insurance, based solely on experience with a PlayStation.

The reckless driver, originally from Skegness, was finally stopped by a police stinger device.

Jones has now been jailed for a year after admitting aggravated vehicle taking and driving without a licence or insurance, ITV News reported.

The joy rider was also banned from driving for three years and ordered to take an extended test - using a real life car.

"You said you 'Only learnt to drive on a PlayStation game.'," Jones was told in court. "You were driving like a PlayStation game.

"You drove as fast as you could as if in a video or PlayStation game without any care for those around you."

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