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FIFA has sold 7.4 million copies

Battlefield premium has over 2 million subscriptions.

FIFA has sold 7.4 million units in four weeks, EA announced today as part of its most recent quarterly financial report.

Madden NFL 13 was right behind it as the second best-selling game in September in the west, though no figures were given.

Also of note was that Battlefield 3's Premium service had surpassed 2 million subscribers. It had 1.3 million as of July.

EA reported non-GAAP revenue of $1.08 billion during the quarter, which was a slight increase from its $1.03 billion during the same period last year. Digital revenue saw an especially large increase from $324 million over last year's $234 during Q3. Mobile revenue had increased a whopping 60 per cent since then and full-game downloads went up 40 per cent.

In less sunny affairs, Medal of Honor: Warfighter under-performed, though no actual sales figures were released. EA President Frank Gibeau hypothesised that it would "find an audience over time" during an investor's call, and said mock reviews were more positive than the critical drubbing it received at launch.

The publisher also cancelled its NBA Live title because it didn't measure up to the company's other sports franchises like FIFA and Madden.

Looking ahead, EA seemed optimistic about the beginning of 2013 with Dead Space 3, Crysis 3 and Sim City on the docket. Despite fans initial disappointment with Dead Space 3's co-op focused E3 showing, EA noted the sequel has 28 per cent more pre-orders than Dead Space 2.

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