Fallout 4 fan releases schematic for 3D printed Pip-Boy
Since Bethesda ran out of stock.
Fallout 4's £100 Pip-Boy Edition may be sold out everywhere and Bethesda has been clear that it can't make more, but there is another way. Gamer and 3D printing enthusiast Yvo de Haas has released a schematic for how one can print a Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV.
Like Bethesda's official model, this fan-made interpretation is designed with housing a smartphone in mind, so you'll be able to interact with Fallout 4 via the mobile app you'll have strapped to your wrist.
It won't come with all the bells and whistles of the official Bethesda brand, but it's still pretty fancy with a couple or orange LED lights. It even has a tape player. I mean, it won't actually play said tapes, but it will pop open and accept them.
Amazingly, this is not Haas' first wearable Pip-Boy as the engineer previously released a schematic for the Pip-Boy 3000 from Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
The Mark IV is a little different, however. It has buttons on the right side instead of the left, for example. Haas seems determined to keep their replica schematics as authentic as possible, so they made it clear that they had to do some guesswork here since it's based on a game we've only seen snippets of. "The Pip-Boy is already extremely difficult to design with proper reference, but now there is only a teaser trailer and the E3 video. This does not give the kind of reference I usually have," Haas explained.
Haas is also in the process of designing an "accurate version" that won't fit many phones, but is meant to be more authentic to the size of the wearable computer in Fallout 4.
Of course, very few folks own a 3D printer and outsourcing projects to 3D printing studios isn't exactly cheap. But then again, neither was the £100 Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition and that collectable is liable to only get pricier over time. The question is, which version of the Pip-Boy is better: Bethesda's or Haas's? How much do you want to spend to find out?