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Dead Rising 2, Lost Planet 2 "next year"

Capcom sequels belong to 2010.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Capcom exec Chris Kramer seems to have put the grumpy kibosh on any hopes for a 2009 release of the Dead Rising and Lost Planet sequels, telling Major Nelson that both are due next year.

In a bullish statement about the company's performance after the release of Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5, Kramer said: "Capcom's kind of on a 30 year high right now, it's a pretty amazing place to be - between everything we've got going right now, between the launch of Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5, and our big titles for next year, Lost Planet 2 and Dead Rising 2."

Which means that Christmas will be very likely be both snow- and zombie-free again this year. Bah. Tide yourself over at the Lost Planet 2 gamepage and the Dead Rising 2 gamepage.

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