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Dead Island Riptide announced

For consoles and PC.

Techland has announced Dead Island Riptide, the sequel to last year's divisive zombie kill 'em up.

Riptide is in development for consoles and PC by Techland, an update on the Dead Island Facebook page confirmed. More information will be revealed later this summer.

"Braaaaaiins! More braaaaaaaaaaiiiins!" the Facebook post begins.

"The next battle between life and death will be waged in Dead Island Riptide, currently in development for consoles and PC by Techland.

"An extensive reveal of the thrilling new perils that players can expect from this new entry to the Dead Island franchise is planned for later this summer.

"Stock up on zombie survival guides, water, ammunition, and watch this space!"

A sequel comes as no surprise. While Dead Island divided critics, it set tills alight, buoyed by an eye-catching CGI trailer some accused of not reflecting the content of the game.

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