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BioShock 2 worldwide in February

2K rivets a date to the wall.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

2K Games has announced that BioShock 2 will launch around the world on 9th February, 2010.

All three versions - PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 - will appear on the same day.

BioShock 2 had been shaping up for an autumn 2009 launch, once upon a time, but was pushed to 2010 in order to receive more polish and to enjoy a less cluttered schedule.

BioShock 2, as a reminder, casts players as the original Big Daddy, introduces a Big Sister arch-villain and includes multiplayer. Those are they key changes.

New developer 2K Marin has retained the core experience, setting the action once more under the sea, where the twisted inhabitants of Rapture await, oozing ADAM and Eve from their pores.

Eurogamer has kept well abreast of the game's development, and we've stuffed all our content into the relevant gamepages below. Gorge yourselves.

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