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Assassin's Creed Origins leak reveals ridable camels

Plus a release date, gameplay changes and more.

The latest in a string of Assassin's Creed Origins leaks has revealed perhaps our biggest cache of information on the unannounced game yet, including the fact you'll be able to ride camels.

A release date is also listed - 28th October 2017.

Details come from the next issue of Game Informer, which has Assassin's Creed Origins as its cover story. Images of the magazine have now been posted to Imgur, Reddit and NeoGAF.

The article confirms work on Origins began after Black Flag finished, before Assassin's Creed Unity (Origins is being helmed by the Black Flag team). It features a new fighting system (enemies won't take turns to attack anymore), a new compass-like HUD rather than a mini-map, and a levelling system with a cap of 40.

You can swim underwater to find sunken treasures, raid Egyptian tombs for loot, and visit the cities of Memphis and Alexandria.

As previous leaks have suggested, the main character's name is Bayek. You'll start off as the equivalent of a sheriff.

Ubisoft has yet to say a word of the game, even just to confirm its title, but leaks of information about the game have been relentless. We've seen word of a pyramids-set bonus mission via a pre-order card, a screenshot of gameplay, plus a leak of the main character on a T-shirt.

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