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Escape From Colditz

Codemasters sends Wide Games to the cooler

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

While SCi have snapped up the rights to make a game based on the classic war movie "The Great Escape", Codemasters have gone one better by announcing that Wide Games are currently working on a game code-named "Prisoner of War", which will feature not only two different Stalag Luft camps, but also give you the opportunity to break out of Salonika and the mother-of-all World War II prison camps, Colditz Castle itself.

Codemasters are promising "a tense 3rd person action adventure game where bravery, stealth and cunning will win the day", which will "capture the intrigue, danger and heroism of Allied escape attempts from prisoner of war camps during World War II". You will have a choice of four different characters - English, American, French and Dutch officers - each with their own specialities, ranging from stealth and espionage to linguistics and "charm". You should even be able to bring to fruition one of the more bizarre escape attempts of the war, which saw a group of British PoWs building a glider in the attics of Colditz Castle.

Prisoner of War is expected to be released on PC and PlayStation 2 some time over the winter, and if it can live up to its potential it could prove to be one of the more interesting games on offer at the tail-end of the year. We'll bring you more news as soon as it is available...

Source - press release

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