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Watch the Natural Selection 2 Rezzed developer session

Unless you HATE awesome asymmetrical team-based shooters with aliens and stuff.

There aren't enough games where you get view things from inside the mouth of an alien. Fortunately, there is at least one: Unknown Worlds' splendid-looking multiplayer shooter Natural Selection 2, where our friends from outer space do bloody battle with space marines.

Unknown Worlds' Hugh Jeremy was nice enough to do a developer session at Rezzed this year, showing off the game at length and talking about cool aspects like its commander class - the RTS-perspective guy who lays down units while team-mates run around among them shooting enemies - and handling loads of interesting questions from the audience.

Hugh also nearly fell through the back of the stage and died, but his cat-like reflexes saved him. Watch out for that in the full video of the session, below.

The full Natural Selection 2 developer session at Rezzed.

You can also check out a bunch of other videos of developer sessions from Rezzed, including DayZ's Dean Hall, Peter Molyneux and others. None of them was brave enough to let you go inside their mouth, which makes us all the more grateful for Natural Selection 2.

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