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Visceral confirms XBLA, PSN projects

But says the focus is still on "AAA hits".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Dead Space and Dante's Inferno developer Visceral Games has PSN and XBLA projects on the boil.

Rumour suggests these will be an adaptation of Wii game Dead Space: Extraction and a new strategy game called called Planet Cracker.

"Our express purpose is to make the sort of AAA hits that are just naturally found on 360 and PS3. We also do some PC work as well. That's not to say that we don't have smaller efforts under way and direct-to-consumer efforts on XBLA and PSN," Nick Earl, general manager at Visceral, told Gamasutra.

"But, you know, the real crux of the studio, and the real effort, is to create these big games that sort of align more naturally with that kind of gamer. "

Visceral is currently hard at work on Dead Space 2 for PS3 and Xbox 360 (PC is not part of the plan at least for now). And although Visceral has released four games in just over two years, Earl promises the studio is focused on quality above all else.

"I mean, it's kind of a rough estimate, but what I've learned being general manager of the studio for the past nine years is you can overload a studio, and conversely you can do extremely well financially, and at the end of the day we need to be able to do that to continue to attract investment and be able to do the sort of creative endeavours we want," he added.

"You can do that with less products that are high quality, and that's really part and parcel of a greater theme and strategic initiative in the company, and that is 'less is more'. I know it sounds kind of trite, but we really believe that. We've really taken that on board here. What we put out, we want to put out at the absolute highest quality mark. We don't need to do three of those a year. One is plenty, if we continue to drive that kind of quality here."

Dead Space 2 will be in shops before April 2011.

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