John Carpenter wants to make a Dead Space movie
Halloween and The Thing director also a fan of Dishonored and Assassin's Creed 3.
John Carpenter - director of Halloween, The Thing, and Escape from New York - would like to make a Dead Space movie.
"I would love to make Dead Space [into a film]," the 65 year old director told GameInformer in a recent interview. "I'll tell you that right now. That one is ready-made."
"I maintain that Dead Space would just make a great movie because you have these people coming onto an abandoned, shut-down space ship and they have to start it up and something's on board. It's just great stuff," he explained.
Earlier this year Carpenter tweeted, "Dead Space 3 is the first great game of 2013."

While Carpenter worked as a narrative consultant on F.E.A.R. 3, it was easy to assume that was simply a cash-in paycheck, especially as that game's story left something to be desired. But contrary to how it might seem, Carpenter is an avid gamer and cited Dishonored, Assassin's Creed 3 and the God of War Collection as recent favourites.
"My son got me involved in games when he was growing up," he said. "He and I spent time together playing. He got me hooked on it."
Like many people, Carpenter fell victim to Sega and Gearbox's marketing for Aliens: Colonial Marines. "It's just another marketing issue," he said. "They're trying to get you to buy the game, which I stupidly did."
While Carpenter expressed a desire to make a Dead Space film, I wouldn't hold your breath just yet as no mention was made of him actually being in talks to work on one. But who knows, a video game spin-off movie by one of horror's veteran auteurs would certainly be interesting at any rate.