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Ubisoft's The Division glitches made the headlines on Fox News

"Thanks a lot, jerks."

Fox News is no stranger to reporting on video games, but this may be the first time the right-wing media mouthpiece has ever called out a game for being glitchy.

But that's just what Fox News reporter Andy did when he finally let out his frustrations about The Division.

Levy jokingly ranted about the game's glitches during a segment on life skills for young adults (thanks, VG247).

The reporter was reporting on a Stanford University study to identify important goals for 18-year-olds, when he went off off-script to add in his own frustrations at the game.

Listing life skills such as being able to talk to strangers, work to deadlines and manage money, Levy joked that another life skill would be the ability to deal with The Division's glitches.

"You need to be able to gear up your character in The Division despite the way [developer Ubisoft] Massive nerfed the crafting system and allows packs of super-geared rogues to gank you in the Dark Zone," he moaned. "Thanks a lot, jerks."

Developer Ubisoft Massive has struggled to stay ahead of The Division's players, who have been discovering exploits to cheat their way to the game's best loot and top ranks.

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