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Ubisoft tackles The Division 2's most annoying bug

Major skills.

If you've been playing The Division 2 you've probably run into its most annoying bug: skills dismantling.

Loads of players, including Eurogamer's own Chris Tapsell, have encountered an issue where your skills inexplicably destroy themselves before going on a 15-second cooldown, which, understandably, made The Division 2 almost impossible to play.

You can see the bug in action in the video below, where the player deploys their turret only to see it disappear and go on a cooldown. A drone is then deployed but it immediately disappears. Very annoying.

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Last night, Ubisoft took The Division 2 down for a brief maintenance period to issue a fix for this specific problem. This has gone down well, as you'd expect, but problems remain. Ubisoft said a patch due out later this week will resolve all remaining issues on this topic, but until then, the developer recommended players avoid talents EXTRA and OVERLAP. These two, Ubisoft added, seem to be the culprit and can cause skills to act up even after the maintenance, albeit still much less often.

"We want to thank everybody for your continued reports, your feedback and most importantly your patience," Ubisoft said. "The health of the game continues to be our highest priority!"

For more on Ubisoft's latest looter shooter, check out our The Division 2 review.

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