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Ubisoft and The Division players pay tribute to the nerfed Bullet King boss

As patch pulls ability to farm his loot.

The Division's latest patch may have removed the game's infamous Bullet King boss as an easily-farmable enemy, but he has not been forgotten.

Yesterday saw Ubisoft patch out the ability to constantly farm some of The Division's bosses for loot.

The method was as simple as killing a boss in the game's overworld but leaving their minions alive. The boss would then respawn when you fast-travelled back to the area for looting once again.

Bullet King was the easiest and most accessible example, making him the most-used but Ubisoft quickly closed the exploit down.

A fan in New York hunted down the in-game location where Bullet King would spawn (W49th and Broadway) to pose a backpack and poem for a photo:

"Spires of light, purple and gold; Twice every minute, it never got old," the fan wrote, referencing the Loot King's purple and gold loot drops. "RIP BK."

(The fan assured others he had taken the bag with him after snapping his photo).

Ubisoft also paid tribute to Bullet King via Twitter:

The next step is surely an in-game memorial to Bullet King, just as Destiny honoured its own loot cave?

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