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Too Human co-op cut from four to two

But still central to the action-RPG.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Silicon Knights has revealed that Too Human co-op has been chopped in half and will now support just you and a friend.

The developer told attendees at the Microsoft showcase in San Francisco that having four of you battle frozen robotic goblins from ancient history was too confusing and cluttered on the screen.

However, co-op is still central to the action role-playing game; you will need to enlist the help of a friend in order to get past the latter difficulty levels.

Before starting a game with your friend you will be able to set up loot-sharing options and also trade items as you go - some will be class-specific.

You will come back to life by the side of your friend, just in case you stray too far, and to keep things challenging Too Human will spawn enemy encounters at a level higher than the stronger of your paring.

Too Human will be released exclusively for Xbox 360 on 29th August in Europe.

Pop over to our Too Human gallery for hordes of freshly-added shots, or to Eurogamer TV to see how co-op works and for a viral marketing trailer based around a real-life (or is it?) discovery of a frozen goblin robot - Media Dan says it is "done very well".

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