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Epic claims victory in Silicon Knights court case

UPDATE: Too Human studio to pay out $4.45 million in damages.

UPDATE: Silicon Knights will have to pay Epic $4.45 million in damages after the jury found in favour of its counter claims. The court ruled that Silicon Knights breached their Unreal license agreement, misappropriated Epic's trade secrets and infringed Epic's copyrights in the Unreal Engine 3 code.

Epic also has 30 days to file a request for reimbursement of all attorneys' fees and costs.

ORIGINAL STORY: The long-running legal row between Too Human developer Silicon Knights and Epic Games has reached its conclusion with the latter claiming victory.

"Case over. Jury finds for Epic on all counts," Epic exec Mark Rein Tweeted earlier today.

Further details are expected soon.

The argument between the two parties started back in 2007. Silicon Knights claimed that Epic was holding money back that it should have spent supporting Unreal Engine and pouring it into Gears of War development. Problems with the engine allegedly caused the Too Human studio to ditch the tech at the last minute and develop its own system, resulting in development costs shooting up.

Earlier this month, the presiding judge had ruled that the maximum pay-out that Silicon Knights could claim should it win would be just $1.

The verdict is yet more bad news for Silicon Knights. A "massive" round of lay offs was announced at the Canadian studio last year following the release of its superhero stinker X-Men: Destiny.

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