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THQ pins money-hopes on WWE

Reports thin sales for thin quarter.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

THQ has posted depleted sales for the quarter ending 30th September, but has reassured investors with promises of imminent money-winners - particularly WWE SmackDown vs Raw - in the future.

While net sales were down 39 per cent for the three month period (compared to 2008), the actual monetary loss of £3.34m (roughly £0.05 per share) was drastically less than this time last year, when £69.8 (around £1.05 per share) fell between the cracks.

THQ boss Brian Farrell said the company was now more "focused" and "efficient", and believes the release of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 and MX vs ATV Reflex will bring in the big-bucks "this holiday". The latter isn't out here until early next year.

Farrell further told investors during a conference call that the WWE franchise will continue until "at least 2014".

Of more interest in the company's future portfolio are titles like Darksiders: Wrath of War (8th January 2010), Metro 2033 (calendar Q1 2010) and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.

THQ has gained power throughout 2009, and is now positioned as the third largest independent games publisher in the US, and fourth largest in Europe.

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