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This month's Splatoon 2 Splatfest attempts to sort the bookworms from the film buffs

Festivities commence this Saturday.

Nintendo has announced the theme for its latest Splatoon 2 Splatfest in Europe, and it's a modest improvement on last month's insipid Warm Breakfast vs. Cold Breakfast face-off. For December, Nintendo is asking: book or film?

That's as specific as the question gets, however, so you'll need to decide for yourself whether it's about straightforward preference, or if there's more nuance to it - original source material versus film adaptation, perhaps? Ultimately, it's probably best to just go with the flow and be thankful that we're not being asked how we drape our toilet roll again.

Should you have a particularly strong opinion when it comes to books and film though, you can sign up to your team of choice right now in Inkopolis Square. The main event will begin at 3pm this Saturday, December 9th, and conclude at 3pm the following day.

Meanwhile, over in Japan, things are notably weirder. Nintendo Japan's Splatfest is also running this weekend, with an entirely more probing question: do you prefer your winter thermals in the form of underwear or overwear. It's not quite as personal an inquiry as it sounds, however; the theme is actually the latest in a fairly long line of Japanese Splatoon 2 brand collaborations, this time with Uniqlo.

That just leaves Nintendo of America to weigh in with this month's big issue. If you're stuck for ideas Reggie, I'm pretty sure we still haven't reached a decision on daddy or chips.

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