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The Division movie may co-star Jessica Chastain - report

Zero dark zone thirty.

Last month we reported that Donnie Dark and Brokeback Mountain actor Jake Gyllenhaal would be playing the lead in a film adaptation of Tom Clancy's The Division. Now it's looking like he may be joined by Zero Dark Thirty and Interstellar star Jessica Chastain.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Chastain is "in negotiations" to co-star with Gyllenhaal.

The silver screen adaptation would follow the game's premise pretty closely as it would focus on a military unit searching for a cure for a disease that has left Manhattan in a John Carpenter-esque state.

Chastain was nominated for a couple of Academy Awards. One was for her leading role in Zero Dark Thirty, while the other was a supporting actress nod for her work in The Help.

Ubisoft is currently wrapping up production on one of the most ambitious video game film adaptations in recent memory with Assassin's Creed, due 21st December. It will reunite Hamlet (2015) director Justin Kurzel with his leads Michael Fassbender and Marion Cottilard. Not everyone is gung-ho about its decision to be set mostly in modern times, but its acclaimed cast and director suggest it could be a step up from Ubisoft's previous movie spin-off, Prince of Persia (which, like The Division, starred Gyllenhaal).

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