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Techland delivers promised update on Dying Light 2's progress, says it's launching this year

"This is a huge and complex project and we needed time to make sure it will live up to our vision".

It's not been particularly smooth sailing for developer Techland's Dying Light 2. Since its 2018 reveal, the highly anticipated parkour-infused first-person horror sequel has been plagued by setbacks, ranging from multiple delays to high-profile staff departures. Following a damning report on its troubled development, Techland has now delivered a video update on the game.

When last we heard from Techland, the developer was insisting Dying Light 2 wasn't, as widely reported, caught in development hell. "[As far as I know]," the company wrote in a tweet, "the definition of a dev hell requires the game to not make any development progress, while DL2 keeps moving forward. We announced the game too early but it's far from being in a dev hell."

At the same time, Techland promised that fans could expect an update on Dying Light 2's progress today, 17th March. And with that update now here, it's fair to say those hoping for anything resembling substantial news will likely have been a little disappointed. Most of the update was spent with various members of the team reading out angry messages from fans, while the remainder merely asked for their continued patience.

Dying Light 2 Update - March 2021.Watch on YouTube

"This is a huge and complex project and we needed time to make sure it will live up to our vision," explained Techland in a statement mid-way through the video. "All of us here are putting our hearts into delivering a game that you will keep playing for months."

Techland's update also featured a smattering of in-game footage - around 15 seconds in total - and, perhaps most surprisingly given recent reports of behind-the-scenes difficulties, news that the developer is aiming to release Dying Light 2 some time this year.

There's not much more to report right now, but Techland says it "will be ready to start talking about Dying Light 2 very, very soon".

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