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Square Enix dates E3 2019 show

Time to avenge last year.

Square Enix is having another crack at holding an E3 show.

You'll be able to watch what unfolds from 2am UK time on 11th June (that's 9pm Eastern, or 6pm Pacific on the 10th). E3 fans will note this is PlayStation's traditional press conference slot - as Sony is not attending this year.

Forgive us for not getting overly excited - last year's Square Enix show was a bit of a letdown, with nothing of note to say on the publisher's two biggest upcoming projects: its Avengers game and Final Fantasy 7 remake.

Instead, we got a 30-minute recap of its offerings over the next few months, plus announcements of new Platinum joint Babylon's Fall and the sadly forgettable The Quiet Man.

Surely this is the year Square Enix's Avengers project finally assembles?

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