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Five of the Best: Mini-games

Micro machines.

Final Fantasy 7 hero Cloud Strife on the back of a bulky motorbike, sword drawn - and scraping along the floor. He's not wearing a helmet and I don't know how advisable it is to drive with that sword. It's an accident waiting to happen.
Image credit: Square Enix / FF7 Remake

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters. It's a series about highlighting some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also a series about you having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

I know what you're thinking: Alpha Protocol. You loved the hacking mini-game and you don't think another game can top it. It's understandable - it's hard to match perfection!

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