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All Sims 4 cheats for skills, money and more

Say 'sul sul' to hard work and hello to happiness, wealth and more with our The Sims 4 cheats.

The Sims 4 artwork with the words "The Sims 4" and eight Sims.
Image credit: EA

Using Sims 4 cheats offers you a risk-free shortcut to the high life - free money, max skills, instant happiness and friendships, the ability to turn everyone into a plant... You name it!

Using cheats in The Sims 4 might spoil some of the fun of having to build up to having a best friend relationship or scrimping and saving for that dream home, but it also allows you to be as creative as you like without having to worry about the consequences. Especially when it comes to building with no regulations.

Not only is it useful for experimenting and letting off some steam, but cheating in The Sims 4 cheats also allows you to stop Sims and objects from becoming stuck or trapped, so there's a practical use to them, too.

On this page:

How to enter cheats in The Sims 4

While the PC and Mac versions of the Sims 4 accept all the cheats listed in this guide, on console, not all the codes will work. In addition to this, by using cheats on a console, you will disable Achievements and Trophies for that save, so be careful.

It is also important to note, many cheats require you to enter testingcheats true beforehand. Doing so will reveal the command 'Cheats are enabled', which signifies this is active. Not all Sims 4 cheats need this enabled, but since so many do, it's worth getting into the habit of setting it active at the start of any sessions so you aren't caught out.

The Sims 4 console showing the message "Cheats are enabled".
Image credit: EA/Eurogamer

How to enter cheats in the Sims 4 on PC

To enter cheats on PC, press Ctrl + Shift + C together to bring up the Cheat Console and enter the cheat of your choice, press the Enter Key, and the Sims 4 cheat will come into effect.

How to enter cheats in the Sims 4 on Mac

To enter cheats on Mac, press Command + Shif + C together to bring up the Cheat Console and enter the cheat of your choice, press the Enter Key, and the Sims 4 cheat will come into effect.

How to enter cheats in the Sims 4 on Xbox and PlayStation

To enter cheats on console, press all four shoulder buttons at the same time. This will bring up the console where you simply then just need to enter your desired cheat.

The Sims 4 money cheats

The Sims 4 console showing the message "rosebud.".
Image credit: EA/Eurogamer

There are three money cheats in The Sims 4. Enter these into the cheat console then press the Enter key:

  • rosebud - 1,000 simoleons
  • kaching - 1,000 simoleons
  • motherlode - 50,000 simoleons

Alternatively, you can enter testingcheats true, then enter 'Money X', with X being the exact number of simoleons you replace your current total with.

The Sims 4 Skill cheats

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10 - Maxes the Cooking skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 - Maxes the Charisma skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10 - Maxes the Comedy skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 - Maxes the Fishing skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10 - Maxes the Fitness skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10 - Maxes the Gardening skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10 - Maxes the Guitar skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10 - Maxes the Handiness skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10 - Maxes the Logic skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10 - Maxes the Mischief skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Mixology 10 - Maxes the Mixology skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10 - Maxes the Painting skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10 - Maxes the Piano skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10 - Maxes the Rocket Science skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10 - Maxes the Video Games skill
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_singing 10 - Maxes the Singing skill (City Living required)
  • Stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_PipeOrgan 10 - Maxes the Pipe Organ skill (Vampires required)
  • Other Skills from game packs and expansions can also be upgraded in this way.

The Sims 4 Career and Aspiration cheats

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • aspirations.complete_current_milestone - Complete current Sim aspiration goal
  • careers.add_career X - Add career (X being your choice of career)
  • careers.promote X - Give Sim promotion
  • careers.retire X - Retire Sim

Additionally, you can enter testingcheats true, then right click a Sim and select 'Career Gigs Picker (Debug) to select a Gig.

Career Gigs Picker menu in The Sims 4.
Image credit: EA/Eurogamer

The Sims 4 Relationship and Romance cheats

Two Sims kissing each other in The Sims 4
Image credit: EA/Eurogamer

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following, replacing {First Sim's First Name} {First Sim's Second Name} with your Sim's name and {Second Sim's First Name} {Second Sim's Second Name} with the target's name :

  • relationships.create_friends_for_sim - Create new Sim with instant friendship
  • modifyrelationship {First Sim's First Name} {First Sim's Second Name} {Second Sim's First Name} {Second Sim's Second Name} 100 ltr_friendship_main - 100% positive friendship between two specific Sims
  • modifyrelationship {First Sim's First Name} {First Sim's Second Name} {Second Sim's First Name} {Second Sim's Second Name} -100 ltr_friendship_main - 100% negative friendship between two specific Sims
  • modifyrelationship {First Sim's First Name} {First Sim's Second Name} {Second Sim's First Name} {Second Sim's Second Name} 100 ltr_romance_main - 100% positive romance between two specific Sims
  • modifyrelationship {First Sim's First Name} {First Sim's Second Name} {Second Sim's First Name} {Second Sim's Second Name} -100 ltr_romance_main - 100% negative romance between two specific Sims

Additionally, you can enter testingcheats true, then right click a Sim, select 'Marriage' and modify marriages.

The Sims 4 building cheats

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • FreeRealEstate On - Build anywhere for free
  • FreeRealEstate Off - Stop all building
  • bb.moveobjects on - Move objects anywhere, regardless of grid placement
  • bb.enablefreebuild - Build anywhere
  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - Unlocks any locked Career Items in Build mode
Sims town with the console open that reads "Free Real Estate on".
With 'FreeRealEstate On' on the property screen, you can buy anywhere without having the funds. | Image credit: EA/Eurogamer

The Sims 4 Satisfaction Points cheats

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • sims.give_satisfaction_points X - Gives Sim satisfaction points, X being the amount
  • fillmotive motive_energy - Refill Sim energy
  • fillmotive motive_fun - Refill Sim fun
  • fillmotive motive_hunger - Refill Sim energy
  • fillmotive motive_hygiene - Refill Sim hygiene
  • fillmotive motive_social - Refill Sim social gauge
  • sims.fill_all_commodities - Refills all Sim gauges

The Sims 4 Immortal cheats

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • death.toggle true - Sims cannot die
  • death.toggle false - Sims can die again

The Sims 4 FPS and UI cheats

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • fps on - Displays framerate per second counter in bottom left corner of screen
  • fps off - Removes framerate per second counter in bottom left corner of screen
  • headlineeffects off - Disables speech bubbles and other on-screen elements
  • headlineeffects on - Enables speech bubbles and other on-screen elements
  • hovereffects off - Disables hover effect when mouse curser hovers over Sims
  • hovereffects on - Enables hover effect when mouse curser hovers over Sims

The Sims 4 Shift-Click cheats

As well as instant effect The Sims 4 cheat codes like the above, it's possible to enter a 'testing' mode that allows you to hold down the Shift key and click on Sims and objects to change their states.

The Sims 4 cheat codes
Image credit: EA/Eurogamer

First, enter testingcheats true. Once enabled, you can then perform Shift-Click cheats. On PC and Mac you do this by holding Shift and clicking an object, on PlayStation you do this by holding Circle and then pressing X, and on Xbox, you do this by holding B and pressing A. You can then perform the following:

  • Make Happy - Fills all need meters of the Sim, gives Happy moodlet
  • Teleport Here - Teleports Sim to the space you clicked
  • Reset Object (Sim) - Resets Sim if stuck or glitchy
  • Reset Object - Resets object to original state if stuck or glitchy
  • Make into Plant Sim - Transform Sim into a Plant Sim
  • Cheat Bowling - Makes your Sim never fail and always throw trick shots (Must have The Sims 4: Bowling Night)
  • Disable Need Decay - Your Sims needs never go down
  • Enable Need Decay - Your Sims needs decay once more
  • Enroll in University - Your Sim is automatically enrolled into University (Must have The Sims 4: Discover University)
  • Remove from Family - Your Sim is removed from your family and you can no longer play them
  • Change Marriage - Your Sim's marriage is now no longer married
  • Batuu Cheats - Your Sim receives all of the items from Batuu in their inventory (Must have The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu)
  • Modify in CAS - Takes you straight to Create-A-Sim to modify Sim
  • Add to Family - Adds Sim to your family
  • Career Gigs Picker - Let Sim choose freelance work, regardless of Career

As well as all the above, there are a number of cheats unique to specific expansions. These include...

The Sims 4 City Living cheats

The Sims 4 City Living artwork showing three Sims, one reading a city guide book and one spinning a basketball.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait ChopstickSavvy - Gives Sim Chopstick Savvy trait, makes it easier to eat with chopsticks
  • traits.equip_trait trait_hidden_career_critic_thrifty - Gives Sim Critically Connected trait, receiving 20% rebate on all art purchased.
  • traits.equip_trait InTheKnow - Gives Sim In The Know trait, giving massive discounts on market purchases
  • traits.equip_trait HomeTurf - Gives Sim Home Turf trait, making them happier in their own neighbourhood
  • traits.equip_trait SpiceHound - Gives Sim Spice Hound trait, making them happier when eating spicy foods
  • careers.promote socialmedia - Promotes Sim in the Social Media career path
  • careers.promote activist - Promotes Sim in the Politician career path
  • careers.promote careers_adult_critic - Promotes Sim in the Critic career path

The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs cheats

The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs artowkr showing three Sims holding pets
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalVet_1 true - Additional Vet #1
  • bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalVet_2 true - Additional Vet #2
  • bucks.unlock_perk ReducePetStress true - Reduce Pet Stress
  • bucks.unlock_perk SupplyQuality true - Unlocks Vet Supply Quality
  • bucks.unlock_perk UnlockCA - Lab Coat
  • bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_InspirationalSpeechSocial true - Inspirational Speech
  • bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LengthenImpatienceTimeout true - Patient Patients
  • bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LowerChanceBadEvents_Small true - Well Managed
  • bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true - Lower Employee Training Costs
  • bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_MoreCustomers true - Vet Rush
  • careers.add_career Vet - Gives Sim Vet Career
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Vet 10 - Gives Sim Max Veterinary Skill
  • stats.set_skill_level skill_Dog 5 - Gives Sim Max Training Skill
  • traits.equip_trait Attraction - Gives Sim Affection Trait
  • modifyrelationship {Sim's First Name} {Sim's First Name} {Pet's First Name} {Pet's Second Name} 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main - Adds positive relationship between Sim and chosen pet
  • modifyrelationship {Sim's First Name} {Sim's First Name} {Pet's First Name} {Pet's Second Name} -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main - Adds negative relationship between Sim and chosen pet

The Sims 4 Vampires cheats

The Sims 4 Vampire artwork showing three Sims, two of which are vampires.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following for the Vampires pack:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_occultvampire - Instantly gives your Sim the Vampire trait
  • traits.remove_trait trait_occultvampire - Removes the Vampire trait from your Sim
  • Stats.Set_Stat Commodity_Motive_Visible_Vampire_Power 100 - Maxes Vampire Powere
  • Stats.Set_Skill_Level VampireLore 15 - Maxes the Vampire Lore skill
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 - Maxes Vampire XP

The Sims 4 Seasons cheats

The Sims 4 Seasons artwork showing four sims, one rolling a snowball, one holding a present and one carrying an umbrella.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • seasons.advance_season - Skips to the next season
  • careers.promote Adult_Gardener - Promotes Sims in the Gardener career
  • seasons.set_season 0-3 - Sets active season by number. 0 is Summer, 1 is Fall, 2 is Winter, and 3 is Spring
  • weather.lightning_strike_here - Causes lightning to strike where your Sim is
  • weather.request_forecast 1-28 - Shows weather forecast on the Calendar for the number of days specified

The Sims 4 Discover University cheats

These cheat codes will give your Sims degrees (and all the benefits of earning one) without having to go to University in the first place.

The Sims 4 Discover University artwork showing three student Sims
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBA - Gives Sim an Art History Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_BartenderDegree - Gives Sim a Bartender Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Biology Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Communications Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Computer Science Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Culinary Arts Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Drama Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBA - Gives Sim an Economics Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Fine Arts Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBA - Gives Sim a History Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Language & Literature Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Physics Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Psychology Degree
  • traits.equip_trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBA - Gives Sim a Villainy Degree
  • University.Award_All_Degrees - Give Sim all Degrees
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_ProfessorNPC_isArtsProfessorNPC -Makes Sim an Arts Professor
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_ProfessorNPC_isScienceProfessorNPC - Makes Sim a Science Professor
  • University.Graduate - Makes Sim a University Graduate
  • University.Accept_All_Degrees - Gets Sim into any distinguished program

The Sims 4 Werewolves cheats

With these cheat codes, players are able to transform into these occult Sims, as well as remove them. This section focuses on vampires and werewolves, but it also works for both Alien and Mermaid Sims, as well.

The Sims 4 Werewolves artwork showing three Sims and a werewolf.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf - Instantly gives your Sim the Werewolf trait
  • traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf - Removes the Werewolf trait from your Sim
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_progression X - Increases Werewolf experience depending on your numerical value

The Sims 4 Island Living cheats

The Sims 4 Island Life artwork showing a Sim and a dolphin swimming.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait Trait_OccultMermaid - Make Sim a mermaid
  • traits.remove_trait Trait_OccultMermaid - Stop Sim from being a mermaid
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_IslandAncestors - Make Sim a Child of the Island
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_ChildofTheOcean - Make Sim a Child of the Ocean
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_NaturalSpeaker - Make Sim a Natural Speaker
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_FriendOfTheSea - Make Sim a Friend of the Sea
  • volcanic_eruption large - Create large volcanic eruption
  • volcanic_eruption small - Create small volcanic eruption

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic cheats

The Sims 4 Real of Magic artwork showing three Sims casting spells.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult - Make Sim a spellcaster
  • traits.remove_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult - Stop Sim from being a spellcaster
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 2350 - Make Sim a Virtuoso spellcaster
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak - Give Sim Weak Blookline
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong - Give Sim Strong Blookline
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient - Give Sim Ancient Blookline
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker - Make Sim a ghost
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter - Give Sim Curse of Infectious Laughter
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_NightStalker - Give Sim Curse of the Night Wraith
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_PunchableFace - Give Sim Curse of Unwarranted Hostility
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_Repulsiveness - Give Sim Curse of Repulsiveness
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_SweatyStench - Give Sim Curse of Uncleansable Stench
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_TouchyFeely - Give Sim Curse of Awkward Embraces
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_WildMagic - Give Sim Curse of Scrambled Spells

To use the following perk cheats, you'll need to know your Sim ID, this can be found by typing the following:

sims.get_sim_id_by_name FIRSTNAME LASTNAME

With this ID, you can then take advantage of the following perks, replacing {SimID} with your ID:

  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_1_KnowledgeIsMagic true 49153 {SimID} - Knowledge is Magic
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_2_MoteHound true 49153 {SimID} - More Hound
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_3_ChargeControl true 49153 {SimID} - Charge Control
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_4_Hexproof true 49153 {SimID} - Hexproof
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_5_MagicalResonance true 49153 {SimID} - Magical Resonance
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_1_BlenderArm true 49153 {SimID} - Blended Arm
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_2_FrugalCombinations true 49153 {SimID} - Frugal Combination
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_3_ExtraChemistry true 49153 {SimID} - A Little Extra Chemistry
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_4_MixMaster true 49153 {SimID} - Mix Master
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_5_PotentPotables true 49153 {SimID} - Potent Potables
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_1_Discharge true 49153 {SimID} - Discharge
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_2_PowerShunt true 49153 {SimID} - Power Shunt
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_3_SpectralReach true 49153 {SimID} - Spectral Reach
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_4_MasterCaster true 49153 {SimID} - Master Caster
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_5_MasterDuelist true 49153 {SimID} - Master Duelist
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3C_PracticedPracticality true 49153 {SimID} - Practiced Practicality
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1A_IncredibleForager true 49153 {SimID} - Incredible Forager
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2A_InsightfulEye true 49153 {SimID} - Insightful Eye
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3A_MischiefMaster true 49153 {SimID} - Mischief Master
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4A_NaturalMentor true 49153 {SimID} - Natural Mentor
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1B_Experimenter true 49153 {SimID} - Experimenter
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2B_WitchSocialite true 49153 {SimID} - Spellcaster Socialite
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3B_TameTheUntameable true 49153 {SimID} - Tame the Untameable
  • bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4B_MagicalDiscounts true 49153 {SimID} - Magical Discounts

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch cheats

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch artwork showing farm animals and Sims playing and working in a farmyard.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_EquestrianSkill 10 - Max out Sim's Horse Riding skill
  • stats.set_skill_level AdultMinor_RanchNectar 5 - Max out Sim’s Nectar Making skill

To use the following perk cheats, you'll need to know your horse's ID, this can be found by typing the following:

sims.get_sim_id_by_name FIRSTNAME LASTNAME

With this ID, you can then take advantage of the following, replacing {HorseID} with your horse's ID:

  • stats.set_skill_level Horse_Temperament 10 {HorseID} - Max out horse’s Temperament level
  • stats.set_skill_level Horse_Agility 10 {HorseID} - Max out horse’s Agility level
  • stats.set_skill_level Horse_Jumping 10 {HorseID} - Max out horse’s Jumping level
  • stats.set_skill_level Horse_Endurance 10 {HorseID} - Max out horse’s Endurance level

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape cheats

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape artwork showing a Sim snowboarding.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Adventurous - Gives Sim Adventurous Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Proper - Gives Sim Proper Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_CorporateWorker_CharismaticCrooner - Gives Sim Charismatic Crooner Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_CorporateWorker_LegendaryStamina - Gives Sim Legendary Stamina Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_SurvivalInstinct - Gives Sim Survival Instinct Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_WorldlyKnowledge - Gives Sim Worldly Knowledge Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank3 - Gives Sim Expert Mountaineer Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_TownMascot - Gives Sim Town Mascot Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_RockClimbingGear_HasGear - Gives Sim Rock Climbing Gear Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_AdrenalineSeeker - Gives Sim Adrenaline Seeker Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_CloseKnit - Gives Sim Close Knit Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_CoffeeFanatic - Gives Sim Coffee Fanatic Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Energetic - Gives Sim Energetic Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_FrequentTraveler - Gives Sim Frequent Traveler Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_HealthFoodNut - Gives Sim Health Food Nut Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_HungryForLove - Gives Sim Hungry For Love Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Indoorsy - Gives Sim Indoorsy Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_JunkFoodFiend - Gives Sim Junk Food Fiend Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Networker - Gives Sim Networker Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_NoNeedForRomance - Gives Sim No Need For Romance Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Outdoorsy - Gives Sim Outdoorsy Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Sedentary - Gives Sim Sedentary Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Techie - Gives Sim Techie Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Techophobe - Gives Sim Technophobe Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Lifestyles_Workaholic - Gives Sim Workaholic Trait
  • stats.set_Skill_Level Major_Snowboarding 10 - Gives Sim max Snowboarding Skill
  • stats.set_Skill_Level Major_RockClimbing 10 - Gives Sim max Rock Climbing Skill
  • stats.set_Skill_Level Major_Skiing 10 - Gives Sim max Skiing Skill
  • careers.promote CorporateWorker - Makes Sim a Salaryperson

The Sims 4 Cottage Living cheats

The Sims 4 Cottage Living artwork showing a beautiful cottage with animal and Sims relaxing in its garden.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_AnimalEnthusiast - Gives Sim Animal Enthusiast Trait
  • traits.equip_trait trait_LactoseIntolerant - Gives Sim Lactose Intolerant Trait
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Nature_Country - Gives Sim Nature Conservationalist Trait
  • stats.set_skill_level Skill_CrossStitch 5 - Gives Sim max Cross-Stitch Trait

As well as instant effect The Sims 4 cheat codes like the above, you can Shift-click on an area and spawn animals too. Once you've entered testingcheats true, you be able to perform Shift-Click cheats. On PC and Mac you do this by holding Shift and clicking an object, on PlayStation you do this by holding Circle and then pressing X, and on Xbox, you do this by holding B and pressing A. You can then perform the following:

  • Create Cow - Spawns Cow
  • Create Llama - Spawns Llama
  • Create Rabbit - Spawns Rabbit
  • Create Chicken - Spawns Chicken
  • Create Egg - Spawns Egg

The Sims 4 Growing Together cheats

Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait trait_top_notch_toddler - Gives ChildTop Notch Toddler Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Infant_Unhappy - Gives ChildUnhappy Childhood Trait
  • traits.equip_trait Infant_Happy - Gives ChildHappy Childhood Trait
  • traits.equip_trait highselfesteem - Gives Teenager High Self Esteem Trait
  • traits.equip_trait headstrong - Gives Teenager Headstrong Trait

The Sims 4 High School Years cheats

The Sims 4 High School Year artwork showing High School students hanging out outside theirschool.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • careers.promote teen_simsfluencersidehustle - Gives Teenager Simsfluencer Career
  • careers.promote parttime_simsfluencersidehustle - Gives Sim Simsfluencer Career
  • careers.promote teen_streamersidehustle - Gives Teenager Video Game Streamer Career
  • careers,promote parttime_streamersidehustle - Gives Sim Video Game Streamer Career
  • stats.set_skill_level adultminor_entrepreneur 5 - Gives Sim Max Entrepreneur Skill
  • traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_graduate_early - Gives Sim Graduate Early Trait
  • traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_dropout - Gives Sim Drop Out Trait
  • traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_expelled - Gives Sim Expelled Trait
  • traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_graduate_honors - Let Sim Graduate with Honours
  • traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_graduate_valedictorian - Let Sim Graduate as Valedictorian
  • traits.equip_trait Overachiever - Gives Sim Overachiever Trait
  • traits.equip_trait PartyAnimal - Gives Sim Party Animal Trait
  • traits.equip_trait SociallyAwkward - Gives Sim Socially Awkward Trait
  • hurt_st_hsprom_brokenditchpromise - Gives Sim Bitter about Broken Prom Promise Sentiment
  • close_st_hsprom_skippingpromtoether - Gives Sim Close From Ditching Prom Together Sentiment
  • close_st_throwfootballbondingmoment - Gives Sim Bonding Moment Sentiment
  • needsdistance_st_friend - Gives Sim Creeped Out Sentiment
  • guilty_st_hsprom_brokenpact - Gives Sim Guilty about Broken Prom Pact Sentiment
  • close_st_goodfirstimpression - Gives Sim Good First Impression Sentiment
  • enamored_st_hsprom_impressedbypromposal - Gives Sim Impressed by Promposal Sentiment
  • close_lt_iknowtheyvegotmyback - Gives Sim I Know They've Got My Back Sentiment
  • st_openablewindow_successevent - Gives Sim Lasting Memories Sentiment
  • st_openablewindow_failevent - Gives Sim Lame Adventures Sentiment
  • close_lt_twopeasinapod - Gives Sim Two Peas in a Pod Sentiment
  • close_lt_theyunderstand - Gives Sim They Understand Sentiment
  • bitter_st_hsprom_noprominvite - Gives Sim Resentful About No Prom Invite Sentiment
  • crush_lt_generic - Gives Sim Crush Sentiment

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle heats

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle artwork showing two Sims looking at blueprints.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 2 - Changes Eco Footprint to Industrial
  • eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 1 - Changes Eco Footprint to Neutral
  • eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 0 - Changes Eco Footprint to Green

The Sims 4 Parenthood cheats

The Sims 4 Parenthood artwork showing a Sim in distress about their child has thrown paint around.
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_goodmanners - Changes Eco Footprint to Good Manners Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_badmanners - Changes Eco Footprint to Bad Manners Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_emotionalcontrol - Changes Eco Footprint to Emotional Control Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_uncontrolledemotion - Gives Sim Uncontrolled Emotions Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_responsible - Gives Sim Max Responsible Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_irresponsible - Gives Sim Irresponsible Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_compassionate - Gives Sim Compassionate Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_unfeeling - Gives Sim Insensitive Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_mediator - Let Sim Mediator Trait
  • traits.equip_trait lifeskills_argumentative - Let Sim Argumentative Trait

The Sims 4 For Rent cheats

sims 4 for rent promo art Tomarang night market
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • bb.increaserentalunitcap off - This removes the rental unit cap for a lot, letting you make more than six units in one residential area.
  • bb.increaserentalunitcap on - Turns the rental unit limit back on.

You may find that some of the building cheats listed above will help you out in this expansion too.

The Sims 4 Get Famous cheats

sims 4 get famous autograph promo art
Image credit: EA

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following cheats.

Also, for some of these cheats you will need to know your Sim's ID. You can find this by entering sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} into the cheats bar.

  • famepoints {number} - Adds Fame Points for your chosen Sim
  • careers.promote DramaClub - Gives Sim a promotion in the Drama Club (Kids)
  • careers.promote Actor - Gives Sim a promotion for the Acting career
  • stats.set_skill_level Minor_Media [5] - Increases the Media Production skill, you can change the number (5) to any number between one and five to set the skill to a specific level.
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Acting [10] - Increases Acting skill level, you can change the number (10) to anything between one and 10 to set this to a specific level.
  • traits.equip_trait WorldRenownedActor - Gives chosen Sim the World-Renowned trait.
  • traits.equip_trait UnstoppableFame - Gives chosen Sim the Unstoppable Fame trait.
  • bucks.unlock_perk GoodReputation_Rally true 61441 {SimID} - Rally! good reputation perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk GivingBack true 61441 {SimID} - Giving Back good reputation perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk StarTreatment true 61441 {SimID} - Star Treatment good reputation perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk PlayTheVillain true 61441 {SimID} - Play the Villain bad reputation perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk WhosBad true 61441 {SimID} - Who’s Bad, bad reputation perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk FeudBringer true 61441 {SimID} - FeudBringer bad reputation perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk Influencer true 61441 {SimID} - Influencer, Influencer perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk AllNighter true 61441 {SimID} - All-Nighter Influencer perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk Trailblazer true 61441 {SimID} - Trailblazer Influencer perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk CorporatePartnership true 61441 {SimID} - Corporate Partnership Influencer perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk LifestyleBrand true 61441 {SimID} - Lifestyle Brand Influencer perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk Networking true 61441 {SimID} - Networking (makes it easier to socialise with more famous Sims).
  • bucks.unlock_perk PRPerson true 61441 {SimID} - PR Agency (You'll have an agency manage your reputation and secure exclusive invites for your Sim.)
  • bucks.unlock_perk InstantBesties true 61441 {SimID} - Instant Besties (Lets your Sim become friends or lovebirds with another Sim after being introduced).
  • bucks.unlock_perk Squad true 61441 {SimID} - Squad (This calls your entourage to you).
  • bucks.unlock_perk Noticeable true 61441 {SimID} - Noticeable (This gives your Sim the opportunity to gain extra fame from your career and skills).
  • bucks.unlock_perk FanFavorite true 61441 {SimID} - Fan Favorite (Your fans will be used to influence your Reputation and Fame)
  • bucks.unlock_perk EstablishedName true 61441 {SimID} - Established Name (Your earnings will increase on objects you make, also you'll be able to skip wardrobe and acting auditions).
  • bucks.unlock_perk CareerHopper true 61441 {SimID} - Career Hopper (Makes it easier to start in, and advance in, a career).
  • bucks.unlock_perk CelebuSerum true 61441 {SimID} - CelebuSerum ('Potions' to help your fame will appear in your mail).
  • bucks.unlock_perk EasyStreet true 61441 {SimID} - Easy Street (Your Sim will get a larger paycheck, work will be more enjoyable, and they'll progress faster).
  • bucks.unlock_perk ASeriousActor true 61442 {SimID} - A Serious Actor perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk EmotionBomb true 61442 {SimID} - Emotion Bomb perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk FanMail true 61442 {SimID} - “Fan” Mail perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk BrushesWithFame true 61442 {SimID} - Brushes With Fame perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk JuiceEnthusiast true 61442 {SimID} - Juice Enthusiast perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk NoTouching true 61442 {SimID} - No Touching! perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk PublicNumber true 61442 {SimID} - Public Number perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk RefinedPalate true 61442 {SimID} - Refined Palate perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk Quirks_Stan true 61442 {SimID} - A Stan! perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk VainStreet true 61442 {SimID} - Vain Street perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk PaparazziDarling true 61442 {SimID} - Paparazzi Darling perk.
  • bucks.unlock_perk PhoneFanatic true 61442 {SimID} - Phone Fanatic perk.

The Sims 4 Lovestruck cheats

sims 4 lovestruck promo art shirtless fireman on rug
Image credit: EA

First enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following:

  • careers.promote romanceconsultant - Sim gets promoted in the Romance Consultant career.
  • stats.set_skill_level Major Romance 10 - Sim's Romance skill level is set to maximum. You can change the last number here (10) to any number between one and 10 to set it to a specific level.

There are also some of the relationship cheats listed above will help you in this expansion.

Looking for more Sims 4 tips and tricks, check out our guides to Sims 4 ghosts, pregnancies, and ladders.

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