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Ruffian wants your art in Crackdown 2

Drawings to become in-game graffiti.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ruffian Games wants use your drawings as in-game graffiti to decorate Crackdown 2.

Don't worry about being arty, just cobble something together and shove it in the Ruffian mailbox. You'll get your name on the credits and everything, should your piece be used.

There are a few rules. Don't draw rude pictures or submit someone else's work without permission, and aim to create a 1024x1024 PNG image. Closing-date for submissions is Wednesday 9th December.

Anyone who feels like doing something sneakily Eurogamer-themed will enjoy our love, probably physically.

The Ruffian Games competition page has more blurb to read.

Crackdown 2 will be released on Xbox 360 next year. Check out our recently published hands-on impressions to find out more.

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