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Crackdown 2 Deluge DLC out now

You Ruffians.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Crackdown 2's Deluge DLC is out now.

It costs 560 MS Points and weights in at 122.3 MB. Queue it up for download here.

The Deluge DLC pack adds a new co-op arcade mode which pits up to four players against increasingly more challenging waves of enemies. You'll also get Capture the Orb, which is a standard capture-the-flag mode for up to 16 players. A video showcasing all of this is below.

There are new achievements and avatar awards to sink your teeth into, too.

A trial version of the DLC is available, which gives you the complete Capture the Orb mode and a single-player version of Deluge for free.

Crackdown 2, from Ruffian Games, was released mid way through the year and scored an impressive 8/10 from Christian Donland.

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