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Roblox to begin holding job interviews within Roblox

Via new virtual recruitment experience.

A look inside the Roblox career centre.
Image credit: Roblox

What better way to find out if a prospective candidate has knowledge of your game than to launch a job interview process within the game itself?

Metaverse-y game hub Roblox has now done just this, and launched a virtual company career centre where keen applicants can turn up for event, podcasts and conversations with existing employees.

For now, the experience is designed for candidates in junior roles, with the idea that it will appeal to those who played Roblox as they were growing up.

A look inside the Roblox career center.Watch on YouTube

"We think this is a great way to showcase the Roblox platform and help candidates visualise themselves working here," said Roblox recruiter Ryan Fitzpatrick, in a blog post announcing the centre's launch.

Various areas are now available to explore, including an Innovation Lab, Podcast Lounge and Library, the latter of which features books and other reading materials for people to peruse ahead of job interviews.

While not live yet, Roblox intends to begin inviting candidates to "certain initial interviews" within the experience "soon".

It's an unusual setup, for sure, but another sign that Roblox is maturing alongside its young audience. Indeed, the game recently launched a 17+ category for more mature experiences, as its playerbase ages up. 38 percent of Roblox's most active users were 17 and older in 2022, Roblox has said, making it the game's fastest-growing age group.

Court documentation recently revealed that Roblox's notable absence on PlayStation stemmed from concerns within Sony at the game's popularity with children - and any issues there becoming Sony's to solve. That stance is now softening, however, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan has said.

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