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Portal song heading to Rock Band

Elsewhere, Kim Swift says "Portal 2".

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Portal end-credits song "Still Alive" (oh come on, you must know that by now) is set to join the ranks of downloadable tracks in Rock Band.

At the end of a set by Still Alive writer Jonathan Coulton at the Valve GDC party the other night, Harmonix's Sean Baptiste and Alex Rigopulos took the stage for a finale and played it for the crowd.

According to Baptiste's blog entry, which catalogues the event, this went down rather well.

"It will be made available as DLC at a future data. When I know when I'll let you know," he wrote. (Well, he used capslock, but it's much too early in the morning for that.)

Elsewhere, one of Portal's designers, Kim Swift, added to the growing speculation about Portal's future in an interview with G4TV (thanks Shacknews).

She even used the words "Portal 2", claiming that Valve's omnipotent marketing VP Doug Lombardi had revealed it recently.

This may have been a reference to his recent comments in a Eurogamer interview that "There'll be more Portal, for sure." We like to think so anyway. It gives us an inflated sense of worth.

But, to bring it all back to where we were, Portal is available now as part of The Orange Box on PS3, 360 and PC (or as a separate download on Steam), while Rock Band is available in the US for PS3 and 360 with a European release set for this year.

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