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Pokemon-like MMO Temtem's major Kisiwa update adds new island, clan-like clubs

Plus new creatures, chat, and more.

Developer Crema's Pokémon-like MMO Temtem, which is currently in Steam early access, has just received a major new update, this one adding a new island to explore, new creatures, and a range of new core functionality, including chat and clan-like clubs.

Temtem's new update is technically two in one, combining elements originally earmarked for the second half of Crema's spring update (which was delayed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic) as well as features planned for its summer update, as laid out in the game's development roadmap earlier this year.

The resulting collection of new features is substantial (although some previously outlined summer additions, such as player housing, will arrive as part of two later summer updates) and is available now on PC. Once the update has been downloaded, players will have access to a host of new systems intended to improve the underlying social experience, with 50-player clubs - essentially, the game's version of clans - being the highlight.

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Anyone can establish a club after paying a sufficient amount of in-game currency, and this will enable them to create a customised banner (using various dyes, icons, and backgrounds) that can be shared across club members' profiles and viewed during competitive battles. Crema notes this initial iteration of clubs contains few gameplay features (those will come as part of later update), and is primarily a social hub for friends.

The addition of clubs is supported by a new chat system, enabling players to whisper any user or talk with club mates, and includes a variety of safety features, such as blocking and reporting. There's also a new selection of emotes to spice up player communications a bit more.

Temtem's new in-game chat feature.

Temtem's flagship new addition, though, is its brand-new explorable island. Kisiwa, as it's known, is the fourth of six islands planned for launch, and features a new biome - which makes ample use of the game's new climbing gear - as well as new story missions, and 25 new Tempedia entries. There's a taste of those in the trailer above.

A number of other features round out today's update - including a Tempedia photo mode, new techniques and traits, hotels and bars on existing islands, player titles, and a level cap increase to 58 - and all are detailed in Crema's extensive patch notes.

Temtem's Kisiwa update will also see a small price increase for the early access game. As previously announced, Temtem's price will continue to rise with each major new update until launch, which is currently expected to occur next spring.

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