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EG TV gets comments section

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Due to popular demand, Eurogamer TV now has a new comments feature - so you can have your say about each and every one of our tip top game trailers.

To join in, all you need is a Eurogamer username and password - just as for the article comments and forum. If you haven't registered yet, why not do so now - it takes LITERALLY SECONDS, since all we ask for is your email address, and not how old you are or where you live or if you've got maths GCSE or anything.

Once you've registered, you can comment on all the videos you like, not to mention all the articles. You can also post in the forum, rate games, enter competitions, write your own game reviews and - if you can be bothered - set up your own profile page.

We promise not to pass your email address on to anyone else, especially not anyone who's selling "c1alis" or has $250,000,000 sitting in a bank account in Sierra Leone. We'll only send you the Eurogamer newsletter if you opt to receive it.

So what are you waiting for? Time to get commenting - and why not start by telling us what you think of the new Chromehounds trailer that's just appeared on Eurogamer TV.

And don't forget, EG TV will be bringing you the very best and most extensivest coverage from the E3 show floor next month - and you'll be able to comment on all of that, too. Hurrah!

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