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GSC Heroes under Steam banner

The 'of Annihilated Empires' sort.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Can't be bothered to go down the shops? Interested in playing Heroes of Annihilated Empires? Then you might want to download Steam, as GSC Game World's using it to digitally distribute the game later this month.

From 22nd November, anybody with Steam will be able to download the first chapter in the RTS / RPG hybrid trilogy and play through it for US$ 39.95, with lots of information and a trailer already accessible through the service.

Or you could check out some screenshots and trailers here on Eurogamer. Depends how much you like us.

"We are very happy to start working with Valve to distribute our latest creation via this mighty online distribution platform," said GSC's Sergiy Grygorovych. (Distributor's pet.)

"This agreement is an ideal compliment to our self-publishing start-up, and we look forward to forging a very fruitful relationship with Valve, both now and in the future," he added. Perhaps for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then? Although that probably depends more on THQ than GSC. TBH.

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