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SEGA registers Sonic Rush

Not that it'll say what it is.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

SEGA has registered the trademark "Sonic Rush" with the US Patent and Trademark Office, but declined this morning to comment on what it might be.

The mark was filed on 25th April of this year, but nobody seems to have spotted it before last week when it popped up on German-language news site Gamefront, often a source of entertaining titbits.

With E3 coming up, and SEGA's recent admission that it plans to bring new Sonic titles to next week's trade show, there's bound to be speculation that the two are linked. SEGA had no comment to make.

In all honesty though it could be just about anything or absolutely nothing. Frankly, we're only reporting it for two reasons.

1) It reminded us of the "Sonic Rush" mode in the Neo Geo Pocket Colour version of Sonic, which reminds us of the existence of the Neo Geo Pocket Colour, which reminds us of the existence of both Neo Turfmasters and Puzzle Link 2, and therefore gives us something to do this evening.

2) Because if we don't mention it, we'll get emails about it, and we'd rather spend our time reading about unique and award-winning ways of becoming instantly attractive to the opposite sex whilst making money by sending envelopes containing five quid to complete strangers.

So there. Sonic Rush? No idea. But SEGA isn't saying anything. Bet you're glad you clicked!

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