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Valve reveals more nuggets

Lost Coast, Aftermath and more.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Valve's marketing chief Doug Lombardi has taken time out to grant a full interview to fan site, discussing Half-Life 2 as well as snippets on the forthcoming Aftermath add-on pack, Day Of Defeat Source and the freebie High Dynamic Range (HDR) tech demo level Lost Coast.

Although Lombardi was characteristically tight-lipped with new details on the hugely anticipated Aftermath, he confirmed (if there was any lingering doubt) "You are, once again, Gordon Freeman."

Elsewhere, he revealed "in the coming weeks we will be announcing games created by other developers that will be made available via Steam," which should be interesting if nothing else, while Lombardi also confirmed that Lost Coast's minimum requirements would be "at least a 2GHz processor, 1 to 2GB of RAM, and the very latest GPU from ATI or NVIDIA" and a friendly bank manager, presumably.

He added: "Once Lost Coast has shipped, we will be updating the Source SDK to include support for HDR authoring, and future Valve game releases will feature HDR modes in the video settings for those with the horses to run it." Sadly we sold our horses some time ago. Just no space for them in a two bedroom flat, plus the parking wardens are unbelievable around here.

Lombardi also goes into a fair bit of detail on the features that Valve will be including in its HDR spec. You can see the full list and the rest of the interview by clicking right here.

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