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Microsoft promises to support Killer Instinct after Amazon buys its developer

New mystery studio to pick up where Double Helix left off.

Microsoft has moved to reassure Killer Instinct players that it intends to support the game despite Amazon buying its developer.

Last night TechCrunch reported that Amazon had bought Double Helix, developer of the recent Xbox One launch title Killer Instinct and the upcoming Strider HD game for Capcom.

The news sparked concern among Killer Instinct players who are awaiting promised updates to the game as well as an expected season two of content.

In a statement issued to Eurogamer this morning, Microsoft insisted it remained committed to Killer Instinct, and announced it has found a new developer to continue where Double Helix left off.

"We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Double Helix and wish them success in their next endeavour," a Microsoft spokesperson said.

"We want all of our loyal fans to know that the Killer Instinct team at Microsoft is not changing and that the franchise will remain with Microsoft Studios. We remain dedicated to delivering a great experience and plan to announce our new development partner soon. We're excited about the future of this popular franchise."

Microsoft Studios boss Phil Spencer also addressed the concern in a series of tweets issued last night.

"Our internal KI team is still here and franchise is in good hands," he said. "We had a plan in place for this transition."

Then: "Franchise will continue, something I believe in."

As for Amazon, it is expected to be readying its own Android-powered console for release later this year, and the purchase of Double Helix is surely an attempt to bolster its internal development capabilities.

In a statement it said it bought the studio "as part of our ongoing commitment to build innovative games for customers".

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