How to respec in Elden Ring and Larval Tear locations
The rebirth process and how to use Larval Tears explained.
Learning how to respec in Elden Ring will help if you managed to level up in the wrong places.
Perhaps you've been putting all Runes into a Strength build only to come across a powerful weapon that needs Faith? Or perhaps you're discovering loads of cool spells and incantations that you're intrigued to use?
Though you might be tempted to start over, the good news is that it's actually possible to respec in Elden Ring through a process called Rebirth.
While this option isn't available in the early stages of the game, once it's unlocked, you can start reassigning stats. The only limit is that you cannot take any stats lower than what your starting class began with - provided you find Larval Tear locations of course.
On this page:
How to unlock Rebirth and respec in Elden Ring
The ability to respec unlocks once you have defeated Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon at Raya Lucaria Academy in Liurnia.
Unlike the other main bosses in Elden Ring, she does not vanish upon defeat, but remains in what is now the Raya Lucaria Grand Library with its own Site of Grace.

The Great Rune you receive from her also doesn't need to be restored at a divine tower, but it's also not one that you can equip. Instead, the Great Rune of the Unborn allows you to undergo the Rebirth process by speaking to Rennala, who is seated clutching an amber egg in her arms.
By choosing 'Cosmetics', you actually have the option to change your character's appearance via the original character creator screen at the beginning of the game. To respec your character however, choose 'Rebirth'.

How to respec in Elden Ring
In order to respec in Elden Ring, you'll need to use a Larval Tear - an item you may have already had the opportunity to pick up before reaching this point. They are, however, in quite limited supply, so we recommend waiting until you're very sure or have acquired more Larval Tears before doing a respec.
Agree to Rebirth and you'll open the levelling up screen set to your starting class's original level. You're now free to toggle between all the Attribute Points to spend on all your existing levels as you wish.

For reference, your pre-Rebirth stats are displayed on the left hand side, while on the right, attribute points are colour-coded, red for below your current level, white when it's the same or blue when you raise above its current stats.
Fortunately, if you do have second thoughts, you also have the option to cancel the Rebirth process by going back without losing a Larval Tear.
Elden Ring Larval Tear locations
A Larval Tear is required each time you respec your character in Elden Ring. As these aren't easy to acquire, we would recommend having a few in reserve in case you're unhappy with your respec and want to change again.
Here's where you can find some Larval Tear locations to get you started. If you haven't already, it's worth getting map fragments to help with navigating to the following places.
Agheel Lake South
Just turn around at this Site of Grace and follow up a path where you'll see a seemingly weak enemy on its own. Attack it, however, and it transforms into a fierce giant bear, which will drop a Larval Tear if you kill it.
Given this is in the starting area where you'll still be at a low level, your chances of defeating the extra large bear are fairly slim, so we don't recommend attempting it until you've levelled up both your stats and weapon.

Village of the Albinaurics
From this Site of Grace in Southwest Liurnia, you should pass by a well and near it a graveyard where a few enemies are straggling. Behind one of the tombstones is a Larval Tear.

Siofra River Merchant
You can buy a Larval Tear from this merchant for 3,000 Runes, at least once you find him. Over in East Limgrave, take the lift down to Siofra River Well Depths and make your way across the area on your way to Worshipper's Woods.

You should see a column surrounded by scaffolding. Climb up the scaffolding and, once you've reached the top, go around it, so you can drop down to another path that takes you through a cavern behind a waterfall. Follow that path and you'll reach a place you can drop down where the isolated merchant is playing a tune.

Rose Church
This Site of Grace is located in the southwest part of the huge lake in Liurnia and is close to where you want to be heading on the map. You should come across a giant lobster, which, when killed, reveals itself to be a Grafted Scion - the same boss you tried to fight at the beginning of the game. It will drop a Larval Tear when defeated.

Below are some more locations where you can find Larval Tears later on in the game, and if you're following Ranni's questline, you shouldn't miss these:
Behind Carian Manor
This one is only obtainable once you've defeated Royal Knight Loretta in Caria Manor and can access Three Sisters behind it. If you go around the area on the east side, you'll come across a graveyard with a few enemies loitering around. You'll also see a spirit sitting on a chair. Approach and it will disappear leaving behind a few items, including a Larval Tear.

Pidia, Carian Servant
This NPC is located just above Manor Lower Level, except in order to reach him, you need to approach from above at Three Sisters. Reach the cliff edge marked with the cursor on the map and you can safely drop down. There's a couple more drops required, but there will be an opening in the roof that will take you to Pidia who sells a Larval Tear for 3,000 runes.

In the dangerous region of Caelid is possible to find one Larval Tear after defeating a disguised Troll. Travel to the site of grace called Caelid Highway South and go south. Eventually, you find several nobles around stone coffins on a cliff. After killing the noble closest to the cliff, they will show their true form. Kill the Troll to earn the Larval Tear.

Altus Plateau
After unlocking the Grand Lift of Dectus to reach Altus Plateau, you can look for another Larval Tear. Take the main road from the lift and keep going northeast. In some ruins, you find a noble hiding at the corner of what used to be a room. Attack them and they will show their true identity: a Lion Guardian. You're rewarded with a Larval Tear once you defeat it.

Nokron, Eternal City
Nokron is the area where you find largest concentration of the Larval Tears. The first you find in a corpse inside the building northest of the site of grace called Nokron, Eternal City.

Now, keep heading east, go down the stairs and after fighting a couple of enemies, you will find a gazebo to your right side, a little bit before a boss arena. The second Larval Tear in Nekron is there but be careful since some enemies fall from the ceiling once you enter the gazebo.

The next Larval Tears are dropped by the Mimic Tear boss fight, which transforms into your character with the exact same gear. In order to access Nokron, you'll need to defeat Starscourge Radhan first, which then opens up a path west of Fort Haight in Weeping Peninsula.

Still in Nokron, Eternal City, teleport to the Ancestral Woods site of grace and follow the same path you'd do to reach the building where you find the Mimic Tear summon. Inside, you find a Silver Sphere, which drops a Larval Tear once you defeat it.

Mt Gelmir
In the fire lands of Mt. Gelmir, you can find a Larval Tear in your way to the Volcano Manor. From the Road of Iniquity site of grace, go east and you will find a small camp with a giant Wormface near the fire. To get your Larval Tear, you just need to defeat it.

Nokstrella, Eternal City
While you can't reach this area until much later in Ranni's questline, Nokstrella, Eternal City is where you find another three Larval Tears. In this area, they are dropped by Silver Sphere enemies in specific locations. The first on you find on the bridge

By following the same bridge where you fought the first Sphere Silver and turn right, you find a building with open doors. Look up to see the Silver Sphere hanging at the ceiling. Once you enter, the door will be shut, so be prepared to fight it. Onde you defeat it, they drop the Larval Tear.

The last Larval Tear in Nokstella is found a little bit further. Go back to the bridge, go northwest, climb the stairs and enter the building at the top of it. Inside, you find another Silver Sphere hanging on the ceiling alongside many Mimics. Defeat it to collect another Larval Tear.

Consecrated Snowfield
The Consecrated Snowfield is a secret area in Elden Ring, where you access only if you have the Haligtree Secret Medallion, you find another enemy that drops a Larvel Tear once defeated. Teleport to the Inner Consecrated Snowfield site of grace and go southeast. You will find three nobles. Attack the one stuck on the ground and they will turn into a Lesser Runebear. This is a tough enemy so go prepared.

Shadow of Erdtree Larval Tear locations
If you've picked up Shadow of the Erdtree, you'll want to keep an eye out for more Larval Tears there too. Here are all the ones we've found so far:

Gravesite Plain
We found the first Tear east of the 'Gravesite Plain' Site of Grace.

Cliffroad Terminus
The second can be found southeast of the 'Cliffroad Terminus' Site of Grace.
Greatbridge, North
The third can be found just East of the 'Greatbridge, North' Site of Grace.
Need more help? Jump back to our Elden Ring walkthrough or check-out our list of tips and tricks for Shadow of Erdtree..