How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
How long is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's length may be one of the factors you're considering when deciding whether or not to play this game.
We can't blame you - the Final Fantasy games are known for their length and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is no different. It's definitely worth knowing how much time you'll need to invest in simply completing its story, especially if there are other games you wish to play on the horizon.
Due to this, we've given our estimates for how long it takes to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in terms of mainlining the story, completing all its side content and if you want to get its Platinum trophy below.
How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
How long it takes you to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth depends on both the difficulty level you choose and how much time you spend completing all of the side content this game has to offer.
If you want to simply experience Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's storyline, then it should take you between 45 to 55 hours to complete on Normal difficulty. This time will, of course, increase or decrease depending on the difficulty setting you choose and if you get caught up in the side content. (Becoming addicted to Queen's Blood will add a significant number of hours to your playthrough.)
Going beyond the story, however, and completing everything Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has to offer will take you roughly 80 hours. Again, this estimate is dependent on your difficulty level and skill with the game as there's an awful lot of side missions and mini-games for you to explore.

This leads us to our final question - how long will it take you to Platinum Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
A while. No seriously, our estimate is somewhere between 100 to 150 hours due to one of the trophies requiring you to complete every Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter on Hard Mode. This is quite the challenge so you should be prepared for it to be quite the time investment, but, keep in mind, you don't have to complete all of the side content during this playthrough. The extra time we've allotted in this estimate is for the hours you'll most likely spend XP grinding in preparation for the tougher boss fights.

Good luck completing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth! If you're looking for more assistance with this massive JRPG, then check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth weapon list, how to get Golden Plumes and the Card Carnival puzzle solutions.