Grand Theft Auto 5 played on omni-directional treadmill and Oculus Rift
On the run.
What's better than playing Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC at a shiny resolution?

Well, here's footage of someone playing Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC using the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, with a gun controller, while running around on an omni-directional treadmill.
The player's head movements are tracked in real time by the Oculus Rift, as the character runs around via directions from the Virtuix Omni treadmill.
So, in a somewhat terrifying display of realism, you can watch as the player wanders into a 24/7 convenience store then casually murders the shopkeeper and goes on the rampage.
Embedded below, the footage is another impressive demonstration of the Virtuix Omni treadmill.
The device was originally funded via Kickstarter, and achieved its goal within a matter of hours.
If you're curious, here's how it looks working with Team Fortress 2.