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EA: MOH "exceeding" US shop forecasts

"Off to a great commercial start."

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Image credit: Eurogamer

EA has trumpeted "great" day one sales for Medal of Honor in the US.

A press release claimed the war game was on track for "an outstanding holiday".

"Medal of Honor launched yesterday [Tuesday] with strong momentum and early internal indicators show that the game is off to a great commercial start," EA announced.

"In the US, retail response has been overwhelmingly positive with midnight launch events at nearly all GameStop locations nationwide and with major mass merchandising retail chains already exceeding their day one forecasts."

GameStop bigwig Bob McKenzie made the difficult prediction that Medal of Honor will be "one of the biggest videogame titles launched this year".

He's the same guy that said Call of Duty: Black Ops pre-orders were on course at GameStop to becoming the biggest ever.

Yesterday, EA defended the game in the face of "lukewarm" reviews which, some said, were linked TO a drop in share prices.

Medal of Honor launches here in Europe on Friday. Eurogamer's review was published on Tuesday.

The first 15 minutes of Medal of Honor.

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