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EA has extended the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 beta until Wednesday

Saber it while it lasts.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2's public beta has been extended, and will now run until Wednesday October 11th, EA has announced.

The beta, which began last Wednesday for those with game pre-orders and opened for everyone else on Friday, was originally scheduled to end earlier today. However, a revised end-date was revealed on the official Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Twitter page earlier this evening, accompanied by a video of some very extravagant lawn trimming.

So far, feedback on the beta seems to have been broadly positive, but much of the weekend conversation has focussed on EA's rather exuberant implementation of monetised loot crates for the acquisition of core features such as weapons and skills. "Put simply," wrote Eurogamer's Robert Purchese of Battlefront 2's loot crate problem, "this is an exploitative and greedy system I'm surprised has made it this far".

Whether or not EA will make adjustments to Star Wars Battlefront 2's heavily criticised loot crates prior to its November 17th launch on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 remains to be seen.

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