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Double Fine Adventure is DRM free, has English voiceover

Confirmed platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.

UPDATE: Double Fine will make the DRM-free version of its adventure game an "option to backers on release".

ORIGINAL STORY: Double Fine's kickstarted adventure game will be DRM free, Tim Schafer has announced.

In a video update, the Double Fine boss said the old school point and click adventure game "will be a lot better" as a result of the astonishing amount of money raised through Kickstarter.

At the time of writing Schafer has $1.8 million in his coffers.

The confirmed platforms are PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and "certain" Android phones. The game will have English voiceover and text translated into French, Italian, German and Spanish. Double Fine will launch a closed beta through Steam just for those who have backed the project.

More announcements are expected soon, including information on rewards for those who have funded the game.

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