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Cities: Skylines sells 250K copies in a day

A new record for Paradox Interactive.

Cities: Skylines has sold more than a quarter million copies in its first 24 hours on the market.

That's a new record for publisher Paradox Interactive.

"We at Colossal Order are absolutely thrilled to see so many players enjoying Cities: Skylines and that the Steam Workshop is filling up with amazing content from the modders," said developer Colossal Order's CEO Mariina Hallikainen. "We are feeling very happy and proud and can't wait to continue working on Cities: Skylines together with the community!"

"We knew that we had a great game on our hands and so to be able to continue to provide fans of the game with a multitude of new content for it going forward is fantastic," added Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester.

Cities: Skylines' game world consists of 36 square kilometres, making it roughly 18 times the size of SimCity's two square kilometre map. That's pretty impressive when one considers its team was only a scant nine people as of last September when we previewed the ambitious metropolis-building game.

Cities: Skylines is available for PC, Mac and Linux. It goes for £22.99 / $29.99 for the regular edition and £29.99 / $39.99 for the Deluxe Edition that includes five historical landmarks.

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