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Catch some all new The Last of Us gameplay in our video preview

Naughty Dog's latest impresses in fresh footage.

The Last of Us is shaping up to be one of the PlayStation 3's finest looking games, continuing the impressive work Naughty Dog carried out with the Uncharted series.

A new preview takes in Lincoln and Pittsburgh, the first part highlighting the technical strength of The Last of Us' visuals, the second showcasing the gritty, violent combat that's a serious departure from Naughty Dog's more typically breezy tone. You can get a decent look at all that by watching the video preview that's embedded below. Warning: it contains some adult language, not from our lovely Ian Higton but from a very sweary Joel and Ellie.

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We last had a chance to look at The Last of Us earlier this year, and its release is coming up fast. The full review will be with you before The Last of Us comes out on June 14. There's also a demo to look forward to that's available to owners of God of War: Ascension, and that's out on May 31.

You can kill some time before then by heading to our YouTube channel and catching up on other previews, Let's Plays and livestreams.

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